Case study:
Marketing the largest zero-carbon emission community in Canada
Mary Anne is the sole graphic designer on the brokerage team working to market Canada’s most sustainable community. Materials were developed to help the project team engage with the brokerage community in Southern Ontario (Toronto, the Greater Toronto Area and Ottawa).
Project background
Planning, designing and coordinating all necessary marketing assets was the top priority upon joining the project team, since the community redevelopment had been communicated internally and to external commercial real estate brokerages without prior preparations.
The project team consisted of multiple members from different offices and regions. Managing expectations, prioritizing tasks and communicating strategies was needed.
An educational campaign that aimed at communicating the unique selling points of the overall community was developed in lieu of a typical launch campaign that would’ve focused on the redevelopment’s commercial assets and availabilities.
To minimize the redevelopment’s rushed external introduction, all creative and content development was led by the redevelopment’s brand messaging and elements and had to follow best practices.
The redevelopment was successfully communicated to the commercial real estate community. Email metrics for the educational campaign maintained industry averages throughout its entire run, despite regularly repurposing content.
By initially focusing on the overall community, the team was able to capitalize on external resources and media coverage at the time. This allowed more time for marketing assets to be planned and created.
Email marketing
Social media
The team was able to elevate their social media presence through the introduction of more modern and innovative mediums, such as video and Instagram.
The addition of music and movement in their social media posts helped to better communicate and express the “vibe” of the community and emphasize the redevelopment’s brand.
Additional marketing assets
Expanding on client materials to create property brochures, signage and formal responses (RFPs and RFIs) maintained the redevelopment’s visual identity and enabled content to easily be shared between assets.
An external translation company was hired to translate the property brochures into French. Reviews and edits were made to ensure consistency between existing client materials.